Change Your Way Of Thinking To Shift Your Life

Change Your Way Of Thinking To Shift Your Life

It is easy for us to stick with the same old routing and think the same thoughts over and over again. This leads to a sense of security within our brain that can be comforting in some ways. It is important that we learn to change our way of thinking, however, if we would like to change our lives in some way.

The thoughts that you think can be creating the same positive or negative results over and over in your life. This is great for positive results that we would like to stick with. Unfortunately, it can be severely detrimental to our results when it comes to the same nagging negative results that continuously show up.

So, how do we change this and shift our life towards more positive results?

It comes down to mindset.

There are two types of thinking when it comes to your mindset about something. The first type is scarcity, and the second is abundance.

Scarcity Mindset

The word scarcity means a shortage, or being in short supply of something. When it comes to your thoughts, having a scarcity mindset means that you consistently focus on lack.

By doing this, you limit yourself and what you are able to attract into your life.

Here are some examples of how a scarcity mindset affects your life:

  1. Financial Scarcity. If you have a scarcity mindset about money, then it is likely that your bank account is very low or you are living paycheck to paycheck most of the time. You may feel insecure about your finances and financial future.
  2. Health Scarcity. A scarcity mindset about your health can lead to anxiety, depression, and/or health issues. You may believe that your health is going to fail at any time. This also pertains to weight issues and self-confidence problems.
  3. Relationship Scarcity. When you have a mindset of scarcity about relationships, you may lack meaningful relationships. If you do have friends, family, and/or a loving relationship, then scarcity thinking can lead to troubles and significant challenges in maintaining those relationships.

Now that we know what scarcity thinking is (and how it affects our life), let’s have a look at the polar opposite: an abundance mindset.

Abundance Mindset

So, what does it mean to have abundance? Abundance is a large quantity of something. When it comes to thinking, this means that there is more than enough of everything for everyone.

Here is how maintaining an abundance mindset can affect your life:

  1. Financial Abundance. When you have an abundant mindset about your finances, you likely have a thriving bank account and are financially stable. This leads to feelings of security and enough money to do the things that you want to do.
  2. Health Abundance. Your health can be great when you have an abundant mind about it. You will probably be the perfect weight for yourself, and have an exhilarating self-confidence. Health challenges are low and there is little (if any) room in your life for anxiety and depression.
  3. Relationship Abundance. If you have an abundant mind about relationships, then it is likely you have many close friends and/or family members. You may likely also be in a passionate relationship with a lover that is perfect for you. Your relationships thrive and become more meaningful as time goes on.

Now we know what scarcity and abundance thinking are, how do you shift and change your way of thinking towards getting more of what you want?

Shifting Towards An Abundance Mindset

What it comes down to is your ability to change your thinking and program your mind to attract more of what you do want. You need to destroy negative beliefs that are holding you back, and replace them with positive mental notes that liberate you.

There are many methods available that will help you to destroy old patterns of negative thinking and release them to a more abundant mindset.

Here is a method that has always helped me the most:

  1. Become Aware of Your Current Belief. Take note of the belief that you don’t want and how it makes you feel. It is very important that you recognize it and reflect upon it so that you can bring it into the spotlight.
  2. Replace With an Abundant Belief. Now that you have reflected on your current scarcity mindset belief, you need to write a version of it that is abundant instead. For example, your scarcity belief might be “I feel stressed and tired every single day”. You would then need to write down something like the following: “I feel full of energy and excited about every day of my life”.
  3. Observe and React. Look at both of these beliefs side by side and decide which one should take up space in your life. It should be obvious that the abundant belief feels better, and you should embrace it as your new way of thinking.

Once you do this, you need to continuously embrace abundance. By doing this, you will change your way of thinking and become a better version of you.

You have the power within yourself to make these changes, but note that nobody is going to make them for you. You need to strategically analyze your thoughts sometimes and replace them with abundant thoughts that are more fitting towards what you want.

Let your imagination soar, and continue to strive towards being the best version of yourself.