15 Root Chakra Affirmations For Quick Healing

15 Root Chakra Affirmations For Quick Healing

The root chakra is the base of the entire chakra system. If this energy center is off, then it affects the entire group of chakras throughout the energy body.

Insecurities, fear, self-doubt, and anxiety are signs that your root chakra is blocked, and in need of some help.

Luckily, we have put together some affirmations that you can use to quickly tune-up your root chakra and become more grounded with this energy center.

Root Chakra Basics

The root chakra is the first of seven different primary energy centers throughout the energy body. The Sanskrit name of this chakra is Muladhara, and it is associated with the color red.

This chakra is located at the base of the spine, near the tailbone, and deals with our basic needs and foundation.

If your survival needs are satisfied, then it is likely considered grounded and in tune with the universe. If not, then you probably feel insecure, unstable, and not in tune with the world around you.

This can lead to extreme anxiety, lack of focus in life, health/money/relationship issues, and excessive negativity towards everything that surrounds you.

Powerful Root Chakra Affirmations

Affirmations can be very powerful when it comes to giving your root chakra a tune-up. Using them on a daily basis will yield the best results, and will help you to continuously think in this manner on a subconscious level.

Eventually, these affirmations become your reality, and you will find that you don’t need to recite them daily. Until then, it is important so that you can reprogram your mind to keep your root chakra in tune with the energy of nature.

Here are the 15 healing root chakra affirmations:

  1. I deeply connected with my body.
  2. I am secure and free to be the person that I am meant to be.
  3. I have a pure trust in the world around me.
  4. I am connected to the Earth and the energy of the universe.
  5. My world is secure, and I attract my desires.
  6. I know exactly who I am and what I want in life.
  7. No matter where I go, I feel at deeply connected to the world.
  8. I am a free spirit and always have what I need.
  9. I trust that the universe will always provide me with what I need.
  10. I am completely safe and grounded in my life.
  11. I am financially secure and there is always more than enough money for me to do the things that I want.
  12. My body is whole and always purified with the healing energy of the universe.
  13. I love my body, and my body loves me.
  14. I am proud to be the person that I am.
  15. I always make good and healthy choices that represent me as a person.